Gregory Austrow


Self motivated software developer and DevOps practitioner seeking role in application, release, and cloud engineering to continue learning and utilizing technical, analytical, and interpersonal communication skillset to produce highly scalable, maintainable, and secure software and tools to bolster human productivity and innovation.


HomeTown Ticketing

Columbus, Ohio

DevOps Engineer

January 2022 - January 2024
  • Implement SQL binlog replication producer; Python 3 with pykafka, boto, dataclasses; hosting on AWS EC2, CloudWatch logging, S3 log persistence. Lead MSK configuration, topics, partitions, message type design.
  • Develop Terraform modules for AWS hosted networks including VPC, ELB, EC2, ECS, ECR, S3, RDS, ElastiCache, MSK, IAM, SSM.
  • Implement automated CI/CD in GitHub actions and Terraform AWS CodePipeline modules.
  • Orchestrate deployment and schema migrations over multiple environments and providers: AWS, Azure, and Firebase.
  • Describe and manage rulesets for branch protection and integration across organization GitHub repositories with Terraform.
  • Manage application logging and metrics with CloudWatch, DataDog; alerting with PagerDuty and Slack integrations; feature, bug, and change management and triage with Jira.
  • Maintain and utilize Node JS and Python Lambdas, triggered by EventBridge and SNS, Node JS and Python environments, scaling resources based on work queue depth.
  • Manage identities, roles, and access with IAM; manage configurations and secrets storage and retrieval with SSM Secrets Manager and Parameter Store.
  • Troubleshoot network and service connectivity using Bash, AWS cli, and collaboration with more senior team members.

Application Developer

November 2020 - January 2022
  • Participate and facilitate implementation of Agile Scrum development process, biweekly cadence, daily standup.
  • Monitor and massage Jira work items, collect and document project details, translate between customer and development languages, estimate work time, prioritize based on business goals.
  • Manage application versioning using git, GitHub, and implement git flow branching strategy.
  • Lead development of Laravel web application, involving Eloquent ORM and SQL for data modeling and access, Blade templates, Tailwind for styling, Livewire and JavaScript front end, Valet for local environment configuration and hosting, asset hosting in S3, collaborate in facilitating bash scripting to manage release delivery to EC2 instance.
  • Lead implementation of RESTful API features and CLI backend commands for data preprocessing with Laravel Artisan console. Facilitate scheduled work and SQL stored procedures in ETL processes.
  • Implement TDD in refactoring approach, write and maintain unit tests.
  • Collaborate in advancement of PHP web application implementing a modified Silex/Symfony framework, JavaScript and JQuery for client side form functions and async data refresh, data persistence in RDS hosted MariaDB, asset management with S3. Implement interfaces and dependency injection to streamline partner API integrations.
  • Create and maintain docker and compose files for PHP web applications and systems to help mitigate growth pains in development environments.

Consultant & Operations Specialist

September 2020 - November 2020
  • Design and implementation of data aggregation and report presentations in PHP monolithic web application using Laravel framework, MVC, object oriented principles, dependency injection, RESTful design.
  • Facilitate development and execution of adhoc business tasks utilizing PHP, SQL, and Bash scripting.

Superflo Systems & Technologies

Cincinnati, Ohio

Full Stack Web Developer

August 2018 - March 2020
  • Participate small business environment to develop and deliver feature and bug fix releases, SQL database schema migrations for PHP web application, CSS styling, JavaScript and JQuery for client side functions.
  • Utilize Bash commands and SSH tools to manage on-prem hosting environments and releases.

OrangeBoy, Inc.

Columbus, Ohio

Data Analyst

January 2017 - January 2018
  • Participate in survey design, data presentation with Power BI and Excel, communicate statistical and methodological language to a variety of audiences internal and external.

Customer Support Lead

September 2015 - January 2017
  • Download data sets and treat formatting in Excel, upload to database using in house application. Field client communications, particularly regarding data upload, reporting, metrics, and application usage.
  • Lead small support team, communicate methods and procedures, and relay progress and status to account managers and executives.


Tech Elevator

Cincinnati, Ohio
January 2018 - May 2018
  • 14-week development boot camp focused on dynamic, database driven web applications using C# and .NET framework.

The Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio
September 2011 - December 2015
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Focus on statistical methods and testing.